Knowing how your team is feeling just got a lot easier. 

Pear seamlessly and securely connects with your team’s wellness tracking devices to create a daily Vibe Score, a measure of overall well-being based on sleep and heart metrics. 

Unlock groundbreaking new insights that will help measurably improve team wellness, performance and most importantly, empathy. 

What is it?

The vibe score is exactly what it sounds like, it’s a score made to accurately represent your mood! More specifically it’s a measurement of how well you slept and how well your body is recovered, all in one score. 

How it works? 

We all know that sleep is the most fundamental component to health and wellbeing, but it’s what happens in the hours before bed that will truly impact whether we sleep well or not. So we built the vibe score around the concept of “winning the night” and reward members who won the night with great scores.

What's the math?

Pear pulls HRV, RHR, Deep sleep, REM sleep and total sleep time data from your favorite health tracking device to create your daily vibe score! The Vibe score is the first multi-device score ever created.


What are the Vibe Score metrics?

The Vibe Score is our unique algorithm made to accurately represent how good you feel mentally and physically. 

It is calculated using 5 key metrics pulled from your wearable device:

Here’s a breakdown of what they are, how they work, and most importantly, how to get the most points in each category:

1- HRV: Heart Rate Variability

What is it? 

It’s the time between heart beats. 

Why is it important?

The higher the variation between beats, the better your body is able to handle stress (represented by a higher HRV). The lower the variation between beats, the harder it is for your body is able to handle stress (represented by lower HRV). 

High HRV = low stress = 👍

Low HRV = high stress = 👎

How you get scored:

Everybody’s HRV is different, so we score you based on how much better or worse you did than your average.

The Goal: beat your average for max points.

How to score high in HRV:

2- RHR: Resting Heart Rate

What is it? 

It’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s your heart rate while you’re resting in bed.

Why is it important?

A low resting heart rate at night indicates that your body is in a state of rest and relaxation, which is crucial for effective recovery, repair of tissues, and reduction of stress on the heart.

Lower is better

How you get scored:

Everybody’s RHR is different, so we score you based on how much better or worse you did than your average.

The Goal: Score lower than your average 

How to score well in RHR:

3- Total Sleep time

What is it? You guessed it, it’s a measurement of how long you slept the night before.

Why is it important?

We’ve all heard Huberman, sleep is the foundation of overall health. Sleep is crucial for physical health, brain function, and emotional well-being, serving as the body's time to repair, consolidate memories, and process emotions.

The Goal: 8 hours gets you full points!

4- REM Sleep (AKA Dream Sleep)

What is it? 

It’s the “Rapid Eye Movement” phase of sleep where dreaming takes place. In this phase of sleep, brain activity and heart rate increase.

Why is it important?

REM sleep is where your processes your day and merge memories like a software update. It also processes emotional experiences, important for well-being and mental health. REM is also responsible for creativity and problem solving.

The Goal: 1:45 gets you full points!

5- Deep Sleep

What is it? 

Deep sleep is a restorative phase characterized by slow brain waves, reduced heart rate and breathing.

Why is it important?

During Deep Sleep, the body repairs tissues, strengthens the immune system, and processes long-term memories. Think of it as repair mode.

The Goal: 1:45 gets you full points!

How to score well in all sleep categories:

As you can see, almost every component of the Vibe Score depends on evening time behavior.

This is why “Winning the Night” has become our motto. The more consistently we can win the night, the better our odds of starting the day on the right foot!

Now that you know all the ins and outs, you’ll be well on your way to major Vibes!

What is Pear?

Our goal is to measurably improve the lives of our members, literally.

Built on the thesis that vibes = abundance, we set out to build Pear to not only prove the concept (by building an extremely successful company in no time) but by actually creating a product that delivers this service to our members.

Which wearables do we connect?

Oura and Whoop at the moment. More to come!

How can it help your business?

Wearable wellness trackers have been heavily focused on helping athletes improve. We believe that for the same reasons, employers will value the vibe score of prospects. 

If being rested improves the productivity and reliability of an athlete, why wouldn’t it help improve your head of Marketing? Or customer service reps? 

We see a future where people will actually focus on rest because it helps them get the best jobs, because the best companies understand that the organization is actually an organism, and the health of the cells leads to the greatest results possible. 

We want to flip the paradigm where people neglect themselves “because of work” by proving that healthier employees build healthier businesses. 

But you don’t have to take our word for it, we practice what we preach and we’ve built Pear from these principles, and we’ll be sharing all of it for the world to see. 

How do we get vibes from tracking sleep?

Sleep is the foundational component to health and well-being. A good night’s rest enables proper sleep cycles, recovery and most importantly creates the building blocks for a good day. 

Sleep tracking wearables have given us insights for the first time in human history that actually inform us about our sleep, and therefore how to improve it. Most importantly, we’ve discovered that what we do in the hours before bed is the most critical factor in whether we actually sleep well or not.

Our group of founders, as well as the millions of sleep trackers out there, have discovered how important it is to win the night. Because the better we do in those hours before bed, the better our scores in the morning and the more primed we feel to win the day.

The thesis of vibes=abundance actually means that if you win the night, your mood, motivation and subconscious mind are primed to take action and make things happen, improving your odds of success.

On the other hand, when we mindlessly scroll all night, pig out, drink alcohol, we ruin our body’s sleep and recovery, resulting in a body that needs to recover when it wakes up. When our bodies are unrecovered, our subconscious mind is literally set to off, activating those negative voices and rationalizations that definitely inhibit our odds of success. This makes it very difficult to break the loop.

The vibe score is a celebration of winning the night. We truly believe that creating a place built around winning the night will absolutely empower our members.